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Your Menopause Symptom Checklist

Do you experience any of the following?  (Remember, every woman’s menopause journey is different!)

  • Hot flashes & Night Sweats
  • Sleep problems (even if hot flashes aren’t an issue)
  • Mood swings, feeling down, or anxious
  • Vaginal dryness or discomfort during sex
  • Changes in your periods (irregular, heavier, lighter)
  • Brain fog (trouble concentrating or remembering things)
  • Weight gain or changes in how your body stores fat
  • Bladder issues (needing to pee more often, leaks)

Understanding Your Menopause Symptoms

Menopause is a natural part of ageing, but that doesn’t mean the changes it brings are easy to handle.  The symptoms you’re experiencing are caused by shifting hormones, mainly the decline in oestrogen your body produces.

It’s Not All Bad News

While menopause symptoms can be frustrating, it’s important to remember that there are ways to manage them.  That starts with getting a clear understanding of what you’re dealing with and then talking to your doctor and other menopause professionals about the best options for you.

Menopause Symptom Checklist

Our menopause symptom checklist is a helpful tool to track and discuss the changes a woman may experience as their body transitions.

But why track your changes?

Reasons to Track Menopause Symptoms

Tracking menopause symptoms can be beneficial for several reasons.

It might seem like extra work, but keeping track of your menopause symptoms has some real benefits:

  1. Cracking the Code:  Think of your symptom log as a detective’s notebook.  By writing things down, you might start to notice patterns.  Maybe you have more hot flashes after a cup of coffee, or stress makes your mood swings worse.  Once you know your triggers, you can manage them better.
  2. Staying Objective:  Sometimes it’s hard to remember exactly when your symptoms are worst or how often they happen. A log gives both you and your doctor a much clearer picture. This is important if you start talking about treatments – your doctor needs to know the full story to suggest the best options.
  1. Taking Charge with Lifestyle Changes: Once you start seeing those patterns in your log, you can start tweaking habits to help manage things.  Maybe it’s cutting back on spicy food if it makes hot flashes worse, or finding better stress-busters when your mood is low.
  2. Is Your Treatment Working? Your symptom log doesn’t just help before starting treatment – it’s useful afterward too. By tracking how you’re feeling, you can tell if medicines or those lifestyle changes are really making a difference.  If not, it’s back to that chat with your doctor to see what else might help.
  3. You Are In Control: Going through menopause can sometimes feel a bit like you’re on a wild ride you didn’t buy a ticket for. Tracking your symptoms puts you back in the driver’s seat.  It gives you knowledge and that knowledge is power.
  1. Ruling Out Other Stuff:  Unfortunately, some menopause symptoms are similar to things that can be caused by other health problems.  Your symptom log gives your doctor a lot of helpful info to help figure out what’s menopause and what might need a closer look.
  2. Don’t Forget Your Mental Health: Menopause messes with your body, but it can really mess with your mind too.  Keeping track of mood swings, feeling down, or that frustrating ‘brain fog’ helps you spot patterns there as well.  Addressing mental health is just as important as taking care of the physical stuff!

Tracking Methods: Find What Works for You

There are tons of ways to keep track of your menopause symptoms, so find one that fits your style!

  • Old-School & Reliable: A simple notebook and pen can do the trick! You can buy special menopause journals, or just make your own system.
  • Digital Diaries: Notes apps on your phone or tablet are handy, and totally searchable!
  • App-tastic Options: There are loads of apps designed specifically for tracking menopause symptoms. Popular ones include Balance: https://www.balance-menopause.com/balance-app/, [Manage My Menopause] (https://managemymenopause.co.uk/), and [Clue] (https://helloclue.com/) These often have features to track mood, sleep, and more alongside your physical symptoms.

The most important thing is to choose a method and stick with it! The more you track, the better you’ll understand how menopause is affecting you.

The Wrap-Up

Menopause symptoms are a sure sign your body is going through a major change.  Whether you decide to track those symptoms is entirely up to you. Some women find it really helpful, while others do just fine without it.

But, if those menopause changes are really dragging you down, tracking can be like turning on a light in a dark room.  It helps you understand what’s happening, gives you better info to share with your doctor, and can even help you find ways to feel better, faster. It’s one more tool in your menopause toolbox.!


 Core Categories

  1. Vasomotor Symptoms:

    • Hot flashes (sudden feelings of warmth)
    • Night sweats (drenching sweats during sleep)
    • Chills
  2. Sleep Disturbances:

    • Difficulty falling asleep (insomnia)
    • Waking up frequently during the night
    • Sleepiness during the day
  3. Mood Changes:

    • Anxiety
    • Irritability
    • Mood swings
    • Low mood or depression
    • Problems with memory or concentration (“brain fog”)
  4. Physical Changes:
    • Vaginal dryness or discomfort during intercourse
    • Urinary problems (increased frequency, urgency, UTIs)
    • Weight gain and changes in body shape
    • Joint aches and pains
    • Headaches
    • Heart palpitations
    • Skin changes (dryness, itchiness, change in body odour)
  5. Sexual Changes:
    • Reduced libido (decreased sex drive)

Additional Considerations

  • Severity: Allow the user to indicate the severity of each symptom (e.g., mild, moderate, severe).
  • Frequency: Provide options to track how often each symptom occurs (e.g., daily, weekly, monthly).
  • Space for Notes: A section for additional notes to mention other symptoms or specific details.

Important Notes:

  • Not everyone experiences the same symptoms: While this outline provides a good starting point, everyone’s experience with menopause is unique.
  • Track over time: Using a checklist consistently can help identify patterns, monitor symptom severity, and be useful to discuss with healthcare providers.


[1] https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/menopause/symptoms/

[2] https://www.onstella.com/the-latest/long-term-health/tracking-your-menopause-symptoms/

[3] https://www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health/later-years-around-50-years-and-over/menopause-and-post-menopause-health/signs-and-symptoms-of-menopause/

[4] https://theconversation.com/how-tracking-menopause-symptoms-can-give-women-more-control-over-their-health-209004

[5] https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/menopause/symptoms-causes/syc-20353397

[6] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8678083/

[7] https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21841-menopause

[8] https://www.liverpoolwomens.nhs.uk/media/4252/fast-facts-for-patients-menopause-resource.pdf

[9] https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/menopause/what-menopause

[10] https://www.southwales.ac.uk/news/news-for-2023/how-tracking-menopause-symptoms-can-give-women-more-control-over-their-health/

[11] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/155651

[12] https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/menopause/

[13] https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/introduction-to-menopause

[14] https://www.womenshealth.gov/menopause/menopause-symptoms-and-relief


[1] https://www.healthline.com/health/menopause/symptoms-of-menopause

[2] https://www.menopause.org/for-women/menopauseflashes/menopause-symptoms-and-treatments/hormone-therapy-benefits-risks

[3] https://www.who.int/news-room/fact-sheets/detail/menopause

[4] https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5620854/

[5] https://www.nhsinform.scot/healthy-living/womens-health/later-years-around-50-years-and-over/menopause-and-post-menopause-health/signs-and-symptoms-of-menopause/

[6] https://www.med.upenn.edu/womenswellness/menopause.html

[7] https://www.healthline.com/health/menopause/menopause-facts

[8] https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/21995678/

[9] https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/menopause/symptoms-causes/syc-20353397

[10] https://www.nhs.uk/conditions/menopause/symptoms/

[11] https://www.yalemedicine.org/conditions/menopause

[12] https://www.elsevier.es/es-revista-reproducao-climaterio-385-articulo-factors-associated-with-severity-menopausal-S1413208715000448

[13] https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/perimenopause/symptoms-causes/syc-20354666

[14] https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/317765

[15] https://www.hopkinsmedicine.org/health/conditions-and-diseases/introduction-to-menopause

[16] https://www.healthpartners.com/blog/menopause-symptoms-by-age/

[17] https://www.verywellhealth.com/menopause-facts-and-statistics-6265659

[18] https://bmcwomenshealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12905-023-02506-w

[19] https://www.everydayhealth.com/menopause/perimenopause-symptoms/

[20] https://www.nia.nih.gov/health/menopause/what-menopause

[21] https://academic.oup.com/jcem/article/93/12/4567/2627244

[22] https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/21841-menopause

[23] https://www.lifespan.org/lifespan-living/menopause-facts-phases-symptoms-and-treatment-options

[24] https://bmcwomenshealth.biomedcentral.com/articles/10.1186/s12905-023-02442-9

[25] https://www.mountsinai.org/health-library/report/menopause

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